Join Alicia Dumais Temmerman and Emma Abbott for a magical evening of:

  • connecting to like minded people

  • setting sacred intentions

  • receiving crystal bowl sound healing

  • receiving drumming medicine

  • receiving healing light language

  • enjoying a sacred Cacao Ceremony (or if you don’t want cacao you can have a herbal tea instead)

12 SEPTEMBER 2024, Thursday | 7pm - 9pm

OPEN FOR ALL GENDERS. Limited numbers only.

WHERE: Surrey Hills (location provided upon registration)

WHAT TO BRING: Open mind, water drink bottle and a cushion to sit on (chairs also available)

WHAT TO WEAR: Comfortable clothing & footwear
Investment - AUD $49 pp


To secure your spot, kindly make a transfer to:

Energy Raising Foundation
BSB: 633 000
ACC: 210 116 760

After completing the transfer, please send an email to to confirm your payment.


Ticket is non-refundable (you can sell/transfer it to someone who takes your spot).


5 FEBRUARY 2023, Sunday | 4pm - 6pm

14 DECEMBER 2023 | 7pm - 9pm

THEME: Who are you really

19 OCTOBER 2022 | 7pm - 9pm

THEME: Dreams

5 OCTOBER 2022 | 7pm - 9pm

THEME: The mental load and the spiritual journey

7 September 2022 | 21 September 2022

THEME: Finding belonging in the modern world

22 August 2022 | 24 August 2022 | 28 August 2022

THEME: Worldly Expectations v Soul Yearnings