I founded ‘The Marriage Hub’ formally in 2018, having provided communication and conflict advice to couples for years informally.

I've been helping to resolve relationship issues in workplaces for over 17 years and now I'm applying my conflict resolution skills and communication skills to marriages, as I am passionate about helping couples move from "surviving" or "struggling" to "thriving." I love to help couples to pump up their tyres, tie up loose ends, add a missing spark and reconnect with each other.

I help couples have a “marriage tune up” to get clear on their needs and wants and identify the key issues, so we can explore options to more forward by reaching clear agreements between the parties.

This work is heart centred and purpose driven for me.

Through a process of making a few minor adjustments and undertaking preventative maintenance, I help couples to map out the next stage of their journey, ensuring they've got what they need to have a smooth ride and an enjoyable journey.

I understand what is it is like to juggle being a parent and a spouse whilst trying to run a home and fit work and life in as well. I so often hear how exhausted people are in the busyness of their lives and I am passionate to help people to find more calm in their relationship with their spouse so that other parts of their life flow better.